Family Planning Australia provide specialist training in the area of reproductive and sexual health, as well as workplace-based training and community education workshops and programs. We are a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) authorised by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) to provide nationally accredited courses under the Australian Qualifications Framework. Courses for teachers, doctors, nurses, midwives may also be approved for professional development points or hours. Please see individual course descriptions for details.
Use the ‘Book a course’ menu on the right to browse our courses for doctors, nurses, disability workers, teachers, health workers and other service providers
Showing Results for All
Beyond the Nuts and Bolts
This course enables teachers of secondary school students to develop their knowledge and confidence in delivering sexuality education programs about relationships, sexuality and sexual health using a holistic approach. Sessions feature hands-on activities, current resources and evidence-based strategies with a focus on creating supportive and inclusive learning environments. >> more...
Cervical Screening Comprehensive Skills Training
This blended learning course for doctors, nurses and midwives is designed to help enhance your current knowledge and technique in cervical screening with a focus on self-collection. It covers theory through online learning, and practise through a 2-hour face-to-face skills-based workshop led by Family Planning Australia clinical facilitators. >> more...
CHCEDU003: Provide sexual and reproductive health information to clients
Accredited training for disability workers to provide information and support in sexuality and sexual health to clients with intellectual disability. Successful completion leads to a nationally recognised Statement of Attainment for CHCEDU003 Provide sexual and reproductive health information to clients. >> more...
Clinical Placement for IUD Insertion Training
Are you a Medical Practitioner, Registered Nurse or Nurse Practitioner interested in becoming an IUD inserter within your own clinical setting? This course blends online learning, face-to-face workshop and clinical placement to equip you with the theoretical and practical knowledge and skills to provide safe insertion of IUDs to clients. >> more...
Clinical Update for GPs
This update session is designed for clinicians who wish to refresh and enhance their knowledge in reproductive and sexual health. Family Planning Australia clinicians and external subject matter experts will lead engaging presentations on each topic, with a focus on practical applications. Key topics covered includemenopause, contraception updates, pelvic pain and pathways for unintended pregnancy in primary care. An optional Implanon Insertion and Removal Workshop will be held immediately after the update session. >> more...
Clinical Update for Nurses and Midwives
This update session is designed for those who wish to refresh and enhance their knowledge in reproductive and sexual health. Family Planning Australia nurses and subject matter experts will lead engaging presentations on each topic, with a focus on practical applications. Key topics covered include reproductive coercion, menopause, contraception updates and STI updates. An optional Cervical Screening Comprehensive Skills Training Workshop will be held immediately after the update session >> more...
FPAA National Certificate in Reproductive and Sexual Health for Doctors - Face to Face Intensive
If you are a doctor (including GPs and GP registrars) who wishes to upskill in reproductive and sexual health using the latest clinical research and an interactive learning method, this course is for you. This nationally recognised intensive blended learning course comprises pre-workshop online learning as well as a two-day face-to-face workshop, assessment and clinical placements. >> more...