At Family Planning NSW, we believe that accessible and appropriate reproductive and sexual health services and information are essential for everyone.
Our doctors and nurses promote client privacy, and our clinics are a safe place for CALD people to talk about intimate and sometimes difficult issues.
By working with CALD communities in the decision making and development of our resources, we ensure our services and information continually reflect the needs of the people we work with.
On this page, you will find information about:
- Know Your Health resources
- Community education
- Clinical services
For more information about our work, contact the CALD Health Promotion Team.
Phone: (02) 8752 4300
Know Your Health resources+

Know Your Health is an online and paper-based suite of resources for people from CALD backgrounds with low English literacy. These resources are suitable for the whole community but have been developed with CALD communities to ensure information is culturally sensitive, accessible and helps to increase reproductive and sexual health knowledge.
The resources and website have been written using plain English for low English literacy readers, and many of the booklets and videos have been translated into various community languages.
The resources are available for free download from their relevant Know Your Health page. Print versions can be ordered online from the Family Planning NSW Shop.
You can also find translated factsheets on a range of reproductive and sexual health topics on the Family Planning NSW website. To see what is available, go to: Factsheets in Community Languages
If you are not sure what you are looking for, please contact the CALD Health Promotion Team.
Phone: (02) 8752 4300
Community Education+
Did you also know that Family Planning NSW delivers education specifically for CALD communities in NSW?
We know that reproductive and sexual health can sometimes be tricky, so our health promotion team delivers education sessions on a range of related topics to school and community groups.
We believe it is important for each of us to know about our rights, how to look after ourselves and others, and how to stay safe.
Our experienced health promotion officers are skilled in delivering information about these sensitive topics in a way that promotes safety and comfort for everybody.
We are experienced in working with health care interpreters to deliver sessions and always aim to make the information relevant, culturally appropriate, engaging and fun!
Topics for adult groups:
- Women's health - cervical screening and breast awareness
- Contraception and family planning
- Maximising natural fertility
- Menopause
- Healthy relationships (for adults and for parents and carers of children)
- STIs, safe sex and contraception
- Pleasure in sex
- Puberty and menstruation (for parents and carers of children)
- Health literacy
- Accessing Family Planning NSW health services
For young people (school age)
- Sexual health and staying safe
- Healthy relationships and consent
- Menstruation and menarche
- Puberty
- Pornography, sexting and media
- Health literacy
We deliver to all ages, in any setting (including the Family Planning NSW centres).
To request a session or for more information, please contact the Health Promotion Team.
Phone: (02) 8752 4300
Or submit an enquiry by clicking here
Clinical Services+

Family Planning NSW provides reproductive and sexual health services across the state. Our fixed clinics are located in:
- Newington
- Dubbo
- Fairfield
- Newcastle
- Penrith
Family Planning NSW also provides clinical services through partnerships with community organisations and services; you can find the full list here.
We provide access to contraception, cervical screening, menopause management and sexual health checks across our sites.

Have you got a question about reproductive or sexual health? Call the Family Planning NSW Talkline on 1300 658 886 (Monday to Friday, 8:00am – 8:00pm) to speak to a nurse, or click here to talk to one of our nurses online.
To speak to someone in another language, call the Telephone Interpreter Service (TIS) on 131 450 and ask to be connected to Family Planning NSW Talkline on 1300 658 886.
Family Planning NSW Talkline is a free and confidential service staffed by experts that provide information, advice, and referral options across a wide range of reproductive and sexual health issues for professionals and members of the community.