Family Planning Australia provide specialist training in the area of reproductive and sexual health, as well as workplace-based training and community education workshops and programs. We are a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) authorised by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) to provide nationally accredited courses under the Australian Qualifications Framework. Courses for teachers, doctors, nurses, midwives may also be approved for professional development points or hours. Please see individual course descriptions for details.
Use the ‘Book a course’ menu on the right to browse our courses for doctors, nurses, disability workers, teachers, health workers and other service providers
Showing Results for All
Reproductive and Sexual Health for Nurses and Midwives - Theory Only Online (RSH-CAP)
This course is designed for nurses and midwives who wish to function in an exten >> more...
Sexual Health Education for Life: the PDHPE Curriculum for Students with Disability
A course for teachers and School Learning Support Officers working with primary and secondary students with an intellectual disability and/or autism. Topics include teaching relationship skills, positive sexuality and safety, curriculum scoping and sequencing, tips for answering challenging questions, working with families and using current resources that can be adapted for different learners. >> more...
Sexually Transmitted Infections & Blood Borne Viruses - Online Course
Online course for clinicians wanting to update their knowledge about sexually transmitted infections and blood borne viruses. >> more...
Starting the Conversation
This one day course enables community workers to increase their knowledge and confidence to talk to people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities about reproductive and sexual health. Sessions provide strategies and resources workers can use when starting conversations about reproductive and sexual health with CALD clients and community. >> more...
The Nitty Gritty Face-to-Face Course: Specialised Reproductive and Sexual Health Training for Youth Workers
This course is for workers in the youth and community services sector to increase their knowledge of sexuality and sexual health issues which may affect their clients. Participants will learn to develop effective communication strategies and identify appropriate resources and referral pathways to support good sexual health in young people. >> more...
The Nitty Gritty Online: Specialised Reproductive and Sexual Health Training for Youth Workers
Do you work in a role providing services for young people? >> more...
Yarning about Sexuality
This course builds the capacity of Aboriginal Health Workers to provide reproductive and sexual health information to clients and community members. Topics covered include values and attitudes, reproductive and sexual health rights, men’s and women’s business, contraception, STIs and strategies for working with the community. It comprises a 2 day workshop and participants may also undertake a workplace based assessment to complete a nationally recognised unit of competency. >> more...