Who we are

We work to ensure everybody has access to quality reproductive and sexual health.

We respect the rights of our clients to make choices about their reproductive and sexual health and we treat each and every person with respect, dignity and understanding.

We are experts on contraception, pregnancy options, sexually transmissible Infections (STIs), sexuality and sexual function, menstruation, menopause, common gynaecological and vaginal problems, cervical screening, breast awareness and men’s sexual health.

Family Planning Australia Research Centre undertakes nationally and internationally recognised research which underpins our clinical practice. We publish clinical practice handbooks on reproductive and sexual health for medical professionals and are recognised leaders in this field.

What we do+

We provide clinical services, health promotion and education and training at clinics in Newington, Fairfield, Penrith, Newcastle and Dubbo and use partnerships to deliver services in other key locations.

We also provide health information and education and training for doctors, nurses, midwives, teachers and other health, education and welfare professionals.

We see more than 28,000 clients annually at our clinics and our education services conduct courses with over 100 professionals each year.

Our Talkline service, 1300 658 886, provides a confidential, non-judgemental telephone and email information and referral service for all who need advice across NSW.

We also work to provide reproductive and sexual health services in the Pacific through funding from Australian aid and donations. Find out more about our international development work here.

Who we help+

Our clinics welcome everyone and provide high quality reproductive and sexual health services.

Our education and training services provide expert education for doctors, nurses, teachers and other health, education and welfare services.

We reach out in particular to priority communities including people from culturally and linguistically diverse and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds, people with disability, young people, and people from rural and remote communities.

Vision and Values+

Vision    For all people to have high quality reproductive and sexual health.

Purpose  To provide specialised services and programs and advocate to promote the reproductive and sexual health and rights of all.

Our Values

  • Human rights focus - promoting the rights of all people to reproductive and sexual health
  • Integrity - maintaining a strong ethical base, being accountable and transparent
  • Inclusiveness - valuing and respecting diversity without judgement
  • Equity of access - ensuring access to our services for all including priority populations
  • Client centred - placing the needs of the whole person at the centre of our work
  • Commitment to excellence - ensuring high standards in all our work
  • A just culture - a balanced accountability for both individuals and the organisation
  • Pro-choice - supporting a woman's right to make decisions regarding all pregnancy options


  • Focusing on the whole person throughout their lifespan informed by the social determinants of health
  • Working in collaboration and partnership to strengthen our services and programs
  • Being advocates for the community
  • Developing and using best practice and evidence-based approaches
  • Promoting freedom of choice which reflects individual differences and preferences
  • Building the capacity of our organisation, other professionals and the community
  • Promoting professionalism and continuous improvements in our ways of working
  • Fostering innovation and creativity in our work

Strategic Directions 2018 - 2022+

  • Integrated Health Services - provide high quality reproductive and sexual health services that encompasses prevention, screening, assessment and management.
  • Education Services - lead reproductive and sexual health education by delivering targeted, accredited courses to clinicians, schools and community sector professionals.
  • The Research Centre - provide leadership in reproductive and sexual health research and evaluation.
  • International Development - build the capacity of international partners in the Pacific region to provide universal access to reproductive and sexual health services.

Governing Instruments+

The Family Planning Australia Memorandum & Articles of Association specifies the rules governing the organisation's governing body, the Board of Directors.

FPNSW Memorandum and Articles of Association 2020

Our Board+

Bernadette Or

Bernadette Or


  • GAICD, FCPA, M.Comm, B.A. Economics and Accounting
  • Grad Dip Social Impact
  • Grad Dip Document and Knowledge Management Studies


  • Non-executive director Family Planning NSW since November 2017
  • CFO across various industries
  • Board member Streetwize Communication
  • Former Chair Crohns and Colitis Australia Board

Special Responsibilities:

  • President
  • Chair Performance and Remuneration Committee
  • Chair Board Executive Committee

Carla Cranny

Carla Cranny


  • BA, University of Sydney


  • Non-executive director Family Planning NSW since November 2018
  • Director Carla Cranny & Associates
  • Twelve years in senior Executive roles in NSW Health and Western Sydney LHD
  • Former CEO Family Planning Victoria
  • Extensive advocacy and leadership roles in NSW Health leading statewide reforms and strategic and service planning

Special Responsibilities:

  • Vice President
  • Chair Planning and Development working group
  • Member Board Executive Committee
  • Member Finance, Risk and Audit Committee

Stephanie Cross

Stephanie Cross


  • B SocSc (Applied), MBA, GAICD


  • Non-executive director Family Planning NSW since November 2019
  • Extensive senior experience in the NSW Public Sector including former Deputy Director General and former Executive Director in various departments and agencies

Special Responsibilities

  • Member Finance, Risk and Audit Committee
  • Member Performance and Remuneration Committee

Melissa Williams

Melissa Williams


  • B. Business
  • Grad Cert of Research


  • Non-executive director Family Planning NSW since November 2020
  • Chief Executive Officer at Gandangara Local Aboriginal Land Council
  • Former Director Western Sydney University
  • Author

Samantha Campbell

Samantha Campbell


  • B.A. Gender Studies
  • Post-Graduate Certificate in Social Health and Counselling
  • Diploma in Community Sector Management


  • Non-executive director Family Planning NSW since November 2022
  • Specialist in domestic and family violence sector Women's rights activist
  • Manager of community-based Specialist Homelessness Sector

Special Responsibilities

  • Member Planning and Development Working Group

Neil Jackson

Neil Jackson


  • LL. B, B. Ec, LL. M


  • Non-executive director Family Planning NSW 1999-2011; re-elected November 2017
  • Barrister
  • Member of the Conciliators and Arbitrators Association, the Australian Association of Family Lawyers and Conciliators, the Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia, Australian Plaintiff Lawyers Association
  • Member of the Family Law Committee of the New South Wales Bar Council. Former board member of 3 Bridges

Special Responsibilities

  • Vice President
  • Member Executive Committee
  • Member Finance, Risk and Audit Committee

Suzanne Stanton

Suzanne Stanton


  • Non-executive director Family Planning NSW since November 2022
  • Director and Corporate Counsel Mawland Group
  • Director at Saba bai School Cambodia
  • Previous Partner Gadens Lawyers
  • Previous NFP directorships

Special Responsibilities

  • Member Performance and Remuneration Committee

Gary Trenaman

Gary Trenaman


  • BComm, MBA, Grad Dip Applied Corporate Governance, CPA, GAICD, FGIA, JP


  • Non-executive director Family Planning NSW since November 2017
  • CEO Running for Premature Babies
  • Former Company Secretary
  • Focused career in not for profits in CEO and CFO roles

Special Responsibilities

  • Treasurer
  • Member Executive Committee
  • Chair Finance, Risk and Audit Committee

Gary Trenaman

Christine Kane


  • BS In Finance
  • MBA, Accounting and Negotiations Focus


  • Non-executive director Family Planning NSW since April 2024
  • 20+ years of commercial strategy, pricing, and operations experience in technology and software industries
  • Previous committee experiences in social, audit and governance

Special Responsibilities

  • Planning and Development Working Group

Nicki Potts

Nicki Potts


  • B. Com (Finance, Information Systems)
  • Grad Dip in Psychology


  • Committee member Family Planning NSW since April 2024
  • Over 20 years of experience in the financial services and technology industry spanning across research and development, operations, and product management
  • Non-executive director Heart On My Sleeve (non-profit) since Dec. 2023

Special Responsibilities

  • Member Finance, Risk and Audit Committee


Family Planning NSW maintains partnerships with over 150 local, state-wide, national and international organisations to extend our service delivery geographically and experientially, add to our knowledge and experience, build relationships and provide targeted services that we would not be able to otherwise.

These partnerships cut across all of our activities and are a vital part of our mission to enhance the reproductive and sexual health and rights of communities by supporting all people to have control over and decide freely on all matters related to their reproductive and sexual health throughout their life.

We acknowledge our primary NSW program funders, NSW government through NSW Health, Sydney LHD, South Western Sydney LHD, Nepean Blue Mountains LHD, Hunter New England LHD, Cancer Institute NSW and the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care and Department of Social Services.

We partner with local government and NGO services across our projects and services including sexual health services, youth services and HARP Units of LHDs, Primary Health Networks, Aboriginal Medical Services and juvenile justice services. Some of our major project partners include:

  • Clinical outreach partners
    • ACON
    • Awabakal Ltd
    • Blacktown Women and Girls Health Centre
    • Bogan Shire Medical Centre
    • Brewarrina Aboriginal Medical Service
    • NSW Refugee Health Service
    • Walgett Aboriginal Medical Service
    • Western NSW Local Health District
    • WILMA Women's Health Centre
  • SEARCH program partners
  • Freedom Condom partners
  • Health promotion partners
    • ACON
    • AFL Indigenous Academies
    • Apollo House
    • Barnardos Cobar
    • Barnardos Nyngan
    • Bankstown Intensive English Centre
    • Baptist Care Dubbo
    • Brewarrina Aboriginal Medical Service
    • Brewarrina Mackillop Family Services
    • BUPA
    • Carers Victoria
    • Catholic Care Wilcannia-Forbes
    • Clontarf Aboriginal Boys Academy - Cranebrook High
    • Clontarf Aboriginal Boys Academy - Dubbo College Senior Campus
    • Community First Step - Fairfield
    • Community Migrant Resource Centre
    • Down Syndrome Queensland
    • Dubbo Local Aboriginal Lands Council
    • Edgeworth Family Practice
    • Fairfield IEC
    • Fairfield Youth and Community Centre
    • Hawkesbury High School Aboriginal Program
    • headspace Penrith
    • HIV & Related Programmes Unit (HARP)
    • Illawarra Shoalhaven LHD HARP Unit
    • Marist 180 (Daramu Program)
    • Marsh Street Medical Practice
    • Multicultural Disability  Advocacy Association
    • Murrumbidgee LHD / Southern NSW LHD
    • NSW Office of Sport Dubbo
    • NSW Refugee Health Service
    • Nyngan Base Hospital
    • Orana Haven
    • Orana Juvenile Justice Centre
    • Parks Community Network Inc – Prairiewood
    • Platform Youth Services
    • Positive Life NSW
    • Putland Education Training Unit - Cobham
    • Sexual Health Quarters
    • ShineSA
    • South Eastern Sydney LHD
    • South Western Sydney LHD HARP Unit
    • STIPU
    • Sydney Sexual Health Centre
    • Tedd Noffs Street University
    • The Centre @ Kurri Kurri
    • Uniting Dubbo
    • Violet Co
    • Walgett Aboriginal Medical Service (WAMS)
    • Waverley Community Living Program
    • Western NSW LHD
    • Western NSW PHN
    • yFoundations
    • Yoorana Gunya Forbes
    • Youth Action
  • University partners
    • Australian Catholic University
    • Charles Sturt University
    • Deakin University
    • Flinders University
    • Monash University
    • University of New South Wales
    • University of Newcastle
    • University of Sydney
    • University of Technology Sydney
    • University of Wollongong
    • Western Sydney University
  • Research partnerships
  • International Programme partners
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