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Sexual health researcher is a winner

Family Planning Australia Senior Research and Evaluation Officer Dr Emmalee Ford is a winner in the ABC Top 5 program, which recognises Emma's expertise in science communication, and her research focus on improving health outcomes through comprehensive sexuality education and increasing access to sexual health services.

As a researcher at Family Planning Australia Emma is involved in meaningful research looking at things like the number and location of Medicare-rebated medical abortion across the state, young people's sexual health needs, and improving regional NSW access to contraceptives.

The prestigious award, which is presented by ABC Radio National, in partnership with The Australia National University, will include a two-week residency and Emma hopes to use the time to discover new ways to make research more relatable for the public, increase access to important health information and destigmatise reproductive and sexual health care and services.

"By developing strong storytelling skills in the Top 5 program, I can bring my scientific communication to a more relatable approach to improve the public's access to important health information. When people have better information, we expect to see a reduction in stigma and an increase in progressive attitudes," Emma said.

"This is central to the work we do at Family Planning Australia where we are frequently communicating about reproductive and sexual health matters which have historically been taboo or misunderstood.

"Having public understanding and support, as we work to improve health outcomes, is really crucial to success."

Family Planning Australia CEO Sue Shilbury said she was delighted to have Dr Ford named a winner and participate in the program.

"A lot of people think of our clinics and accessing doctors and nurses when they think of family planning," Sue said.

"However, research, and underpinning our work and approaches with factual data and knowledge, is a crucial part of our offering and something that sets us up as a leader in the reproductive and sexual health space.

"We don't just offer health care, our research centre explores what is working, what could be improved and how changes in care might improve outcomes for patients in the future. I'm delighted to have Emma's science achievements recognised through inclusion in this placement."

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